Green Day "Tight Wad Hill" Verse: A G A Cheapskate on the hill. A G A A thrill seeker making deals. A G A Sugar city urchin wasting time. A G A Town of lunatics. Pre-Chorus: E D A Begging for another fix. E D A Turning tricks for speedballs. E D One more night. E D Making your rounds again. B Turning up empty handed. Chorus: A G A Bumming a ride, Burning daylight. A G A Last up @ dawn, tight wad hill. Verse: A G A Drugstore hooligan. A G A Another white trash mannequin. A G A On display to rot up on the hill. A G A Living out a lie. A G A But having the time of his life. A G A Hating every minute of his existence.
Titre | Artiste | Hits | Type |
21 Guns | Green Day | 3126 | txt |
Boulevard of Broken Dreams (acoustic) | Green Day | 2989 | txt |
Wake Me Up When September Ends | Green Day | 2756 | txt |
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