Man Sized by Polly Jane Harvey This one is dead simple, with the same 3 chords running overandover again in a weird time signature, which just changes from 6/8 to 3/8. The chords are: F#, E, A And the counting goes: (play when the chord is under the count the x's mean muted scratches) 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6 1- 2 -3- 4- 5- 6 1- 2- 3- 4 F# F# x F# F# x F# F# x F# F# x E E x E E x A A A x Pretty much it, with some lyrics: (riff x4, then hold chords until written, same pattern as above) F# I'm coming up man-sized E A - A - A Skinned alive x F# I want to get my E Birth-right A - A - A Man-sized I'm heading on I (da-da-da, I can't remember this line) Got my leather boots on Got my girl She's a wow I take my turn And take a bow Etcetera... Some lyrics may be a tick off, but this is from memory, y'know? (PS the rest of the chord procedure's the same as the first...)
Titre | Artiste | Hits | Type |
C'mon Billy (2) | Harvey, PJ | 2604 | txt |
C'mon Billy | Harvey, PJ | 2347 | txt |
Big exit | Harvey, PJ | 1662 | gp3 |
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